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  • Published Date

    February 21, 2024
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"A time for choosing" In 1964 Ronald Reagan delivered a speech titled "a time for choosing", where he famously said, "if we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to". In that speech he was talking about America, but I think it applies to Montana as well. I personally experienced the government shutting down my business, forcing me to wear a mask, and trying to get me to take vaccines I did not want. This should never happen in America. If we compromise our Freedom in Montana, where will we escape to? Washington, California, or Oregon? It is time we elect representatives that will prioritize individuals over government. The Montana Constitution states that the purpose of the constitution is to "secure the blessings of liberty for this and future generations...".This is why I moved to Montana, for the promise that I could live a productive life without the government micromanaging my decisions. This is what I want for Montana; more freedom, more prosperity, less government and a return to traditional American values. Your Parental rights, Gun rights, Voting rights, Property rights, and Freedom of speech and religion matter to me. I will vote to uphold these Rights. House District 90 is an open seat and this June you will be able to vote for new representation. I ask you to join me in preserving freedom in Montana, I ask for your vote. Feel free to contact me at: Dr. Steven DeLisle DDS, JD 406 515 9655 delisledds@gmail.com CANDIDATE FOR HD 90 (R) | STEVENDELISLE.COM Steven = DELISLE KEEPING MONTANA FREE VOTE FOR FREEDOM. "PAID FOR BY FRIENDS OF STEVEN DELISLE Paid for by Friends of Steven Delisle (R) Candidate for House District 90 PO Box 498 Alberton, MT 59820 PAID ADVERTISING 168885 " A time for choosing " In 1964 Ronald Reagan delivered a speech titled " a time for choosing " , where he famously said , " if we lose freedom here , there is no place to escape to " . In that speech he was talking about America , but I think it applies to Montana as well . I personally experienced the government shutting down my business , forcing me to wear a mask , and trying to get me to take vaccines I did not want . This should never happen in America . If we compromise our Freedom in Montana , where will we escape to ? Washington , California , or Oregon ? It is time we elect representatives that will prioritize individuals over government . The Montana Constitution states that the purpose of the constitution is to " secure the blessings of liberty for this and future generations ... " . This is why I moved to Montana , for the promise that I could live a productive life without the government micromanaging my decisions . This is what I want for Montana ; more freedom , more prosperity , less government and a return to traditional American values . Your Parental rights , Gun rights , Voting rights , Property rights , and Freedom of speech and religion matter to me . I will vote to uphold these Rights . House District 90 is an open seat and this June you will be able to vote for new representation . I ask you to join me in preserving freedom in Montana , I ask for your vote . Feel free to contact me at : Dr. Steven DeLisle DDS , JD 406 515 9655 delisledds@gmail.com CANDIDATE FOR HD 90 ( R ) | STEVENDELISLE.COM Steven = DELISLE KEEPING MONTANA FREE VOTE FOR FREEDOM . " PAID FOR BY FRIENDS OF STEVEN DELISLE Paid for by Friends of Steven Delisle ( R ) Candidate for House District 90 PO Box 498 Alberton , MT 59820 PAID ADVERTISING 168885