In mid-May, Montana Shakespeare in the Parks begins rehearsals and construction for two highly mobile, professional productions that will tour to communities throughout Montana, northern Wyoming, eastern Idaho, eastern Washington and western North Dakota. This year’s summer repertoire will feature two Shakespearean classics: Cymbeline and A Midsummer Night's Dream. The touring company will feature 8 professional actors, chosen by statewide and national auditions, with a resident support crew of professional directors, designers and technicians. As in the past, the tour will use a portable, Elizabethan-style stage, full sets and costumes. This demanding tour requires a self-sufficient and muti-talented acting company who can perform outdoors in sometimes difficut conditions as well as manage all aspects of the tour including loading/unloading the truck and trailer, setting up the stage and sound system, taking care of costumes and makeup, working with local tour coodinators, occasionally conducting workshops in some communities and breaking down the set in order to travel to a different community almost every day.