The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8 Announces Completion of the Second Five-Year Review for the Flat Creek Iron Mountain Mine and Mill Superfund Site in Mineral County, Montana United States Environmental Protection Agency The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in cooperation with the State of Montana, completed the second five-year review of the Flat Creek Iron Mountain Mine and Mill (IMM) Superfund Site in Mineral County, Montana. Five-year reviews provide an opportunity to evaluate the implementation and performance of a remedy to determine whether it remains protective of human health and the environment. Cleanup actions at the Site address arsenic and heavy metal contamination of soil, groundwater and surface water resulting from the operation of the Flat Creek IMM from 1909 to 1930 and from 1947 to 1953. The EPA led several removal actions between 2002 and 2011. The EPA added the Site on the Superfund program's National Priorities List in 2009. The Site includes three operable units (OUS). This five-year review focused on cleanup actions at OUI, which addressed contamination in the town of Superior. Cleanup actions have not yet been selected at OU2 and OU3. The OU1 long-term remedy, selected in 2012, included removing and disposing of remaining contaminated soil and institutional controls. OUI cleanup activities were completed in 2013. For more information visit: The EPA has determined in the five-year review that the cleanup at OUI of the Flat Creek Superfund Site is protective in the short term. Through removal and remedial actions, contaminated material was removed and placed into a disposal area on site, eliminating human exposure. A Soil Excavation Permit Program for the town of Superior was established to address excavation of soil where waste was left in place. The EPA is in the process of developing an Institutional Control Implementation and Assurance Plan for the Site to ensure future continuity and continued protectiveness of the institutional controls. The next Five-Year Review for the Site is required within five years of the signature of this Five-Year Review, by September 2028. Community members who have questions about the Site of the Five- Year Review process are asked to contact: Emma Rott EPA Remedial Project Manager Phone: 406-438-0823 Email: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency , Region 8 Announces Completion of the Second Five - Year Review for the Flat Creek Iron Mountain Mine and Mill Superfund Site in Mineral County , Montana United States Environmental Protection Agency The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) , in cooperation with the State of Montana , completed the second five - year review of the Flat Creek Iron Mountain Mine and Mill ( IMM ) Superfund Site in Mineral County , Montana . Five - year reviews provide an opportunity to evaluate the implementation and performance of a remedy to determine whether it remains protective of human health and the environment . Cleanup actions at the Site address arsenic and heavy metal contamination of soil , groundwater and surface water resulting from the operation of the Flat Creek IMM from 1909 to 1930 and from 1947 to 1953. The EPA led several removal actions between 2002 and 2011. The EPA added the Site on the Superfund program's National Priorities List in 2009. The Site includes three operable units ( OUS ) . This five - year review focused on cleanup actions at OUI , which addressed contamination in the town of Superior . Cleanup actions have not yet been selected at OU2 and OU3 . The OU1 long - term remedy , selected in 2012 , included removing and disposing of remaining contaminated soil and institutional controls . OUI cleanup activities were completed in 2013. For more information visit : The EPA has determined in the five - year review that the cleanup at OUI of the Flat Creek Superfund Site is protective in the short term . Through removal and remedial actions , contaminated material was removed and placed into a disposal area on site , eliminating human exposure . A Soil Excavation Permit Program for the town of Superior was established to address excavation of soil where waste was left in place . The EPA is in the process of developing an Institutional Control Implementation and Assurance Plan for the Site to ensure future continuity and continued protectiveness of the institutional controls . The next Five - Year Review for the Site is required within five years of the signature of this Five - Year Review , by September 2028 . Community members who have questions about the Site of the Five Year Review process are asked to contact : Emma Rott EPA Remedial Project Manager Phone : 406-438-0823 Email :