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  • Published Date

    January 30, 2019
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Real Problems Need Real Solutions. Not Fake, Empty Promises. "DNRC: Expect long legal battle if CSKT water compact fails" Missoulian CSKT COMPACT IS GOOD FOR MONTANA AGRICULTURE DAILY INTER LAKE 0218 FAKE "PEOPLE'S COMPACT" X Excludes the parties required to CSKT COMPACT Secures stable, reliable create a legitimate, legal compact litigation and uncertainty ranchers and other water users access to water X Creates decades of expensive Prevents decades of litigation, saving taxpayers, farmers and ranchers millions of dollars X Puts the water rights of farmers, at risk management, inviting federal Species Act Facilitates greater local control of water resources X Eliminates local water Creates jobs and strengthens nftorcement of the Endangered our agricultural economy Respects property rights and protects property values X Disregards the constitutional authority of Montana's legislature THE BI-PARTISAN CSKT COMPACT IS ENDORSED BY Montana Farm Bureau Federation Montana Stockgrowers Association Montana Water Resources Association Montana Farmers Union ..and hundreds of farmers, ranchers and water rights holders across Montana THE STAKES ARE TOO HIGH. Congress: Ratify the CSKT Compact Now. Visit www.MontanaWaterCompact.com Contact Senator Daines, Senator Tester and Congressman Gianforte Fas.Mon RANCIEE" Farmers and Ranchers for Montana l@MwaterCompact