DEQ of Enveoomental Oublty PUBLIC MEETING MDT Plains Maintenance Facility Salt Pile Leach Site The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will hold an information meeting for affected residents and concerned citizens regarding the current status of salt-contaminated groundwater northwest of Plains. DEQ will provide information about the site and the response, which generally affects properties near Lower Lynch Creek Road and Old Airport Road, in the area south of Lyla Lane and north of Kruger Road. Tuesday, March 12, 2019 6:30 pm Plains Christian Missionary Alliance Church, Community Room 505 West 5th Street, Plains MT For More Information: Laura Alvey, DEQ Groundwater Remediation Program -406-444-0212, DEQ will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in the meeting. If you require an accommodation, please contact Christine Mandiloff at (406) 444-6469, REM: 482935