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  • Published Date

    October 14, 2020
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HOW TO VOTE IN THE 2020 ELECTION COUNTIES HOLDING A MAIL BALLOT ELECTION All active, registered voters will be malled a balot starting October 9th. Early in-person voting at the county election office will be available from October 2 through noon on November 2, and in-person voting will be available at the county election office on Election Day. Additional locations and hours vary by county. For more details about your county. visit www.406votes.com/how-to-vote Beaverhead Garfield McCone Sanders Big Horn Glacier Meagher Sheridan Blaine Golden Valley Missoula Silver Bow Carter Granite Musselshell Sweet Grass Cascade Hill Park Teton Custer Jefferson Phillips Toole Daniels Judith Basin Pondera Valley Dawson Lake Prairie Wheatland Deer Lodge Lewis And Clatk Ravalli Yellowstone Fallon Liberty Richland Flathead Lincoln Roosevelt Gallatin Madison Rosebud Return your ballot by mail or in person ASAP! Your completed ballot must be received by 8pm on November 3rd. COUNTIES HOLDING A POLLING PLACE ELECTION Got questions about Early in-person voting at the county election office will be available from October 5 through noon on November 2. The county will mail how to vote? Call or text the Voter absentee ballots to active voters who have requested them on October 9. Poling places will be open on Election Day, but your poling place Assistance Hotline at may be different this year. For more details about your county, visit (406) 272-4046 or www.406votes.com/how-to-vote. (844) 406-VOTE. Or Broadwater Mineral Stilwater visit SteveBullock. Carbon Petroleum Treasure com/vote Powder River Powell Chouteau Wibaux Fergus STEVE BULLOCK FIGHTS FOR ALL MONTANANS BULLOCK U.S. SENATE 2020 GET THE FACTS BEFORE YOU VOTE STEVEBULLOCK.COM PAID FOR BY MONTANANS FOR BULLOCK HOW TO VOTE IN THE 2020 ELECTION COUNTIES HOLDING A MAIL BALLOT ELECTION All active, registered voters will be malled a balot starting October 9th. Early in-person voting at the county election office will be available from October 2 through noon on November 2, and in-person voting will be available at the county election office on Election Day. Additional locations and hours vary by county. For more details about your county. visit www.406votes.com/how-to-vote Beaverhead Garfield McCone Sanders Big Horn Glacier Meagher Sheridan Blaine Golden Valley Missoula Silver Bow Carter Granite Musselshell Sweet Grass Cascade Hill Park Teton Custer Jefferson Phillips Toole Daniels Judith Basin Pondera Valley Dawson Lake Prairie Wheatland Deer Lodge Lewis And Clatk Ravalli Yellowstone Fallon Liberty Richland Flathead Lincoln Roosevelt Gallatin Madison Rosebud Return your ballot by mail or in person ASAP! Your completed ballot must be received by 8pm on November 3rd. COUNTIES HOLDING A POLLING PLACE ELECTION Got questions about Early in-person voting at the county election office will be available from October 5 through noon on November 2. The county will mail how to vote? Call or text the Voter absentee ballots to active voters who have requested them on October 9. Poling places will be open on Election Day, but your poling place Assistance Hotline at may be different this year. For more details about your county, visit (406) 272-4046 or www.406votes.com/how-to-vote. (844) 406-VOTE. Or Broadwater Mineral Stilwater visit SteveBullock. Carbon Petroleum Treasure com/vote Powder River Powell Chouteau Wibaux Fergus STEVE BULLOCK FIGHTS FOR ALL MONTANANS BULLOCK U.S. SENATE 2020 GET THE FACTS BEFORE YOU VOTE STEVEBULLOCK.COM PAID FOR BY MONTANANS FOR BULLOCK