YES ON 126 Put the power of Montana elections back in the hands of Montana voters. YES ON 126 YES ON 126 YES ON 126 Better choices on the ballot Freedom to vote person, not party Hold politicians accountable YES ON 126 YES 126 YES ON 126 OPEN PRIMARIES FOR MONTANA YES ON 126 OPEN PRIMARIES PUT VOTERS FIRST YES ON 126 Doug Campbell, Treasurer P.D. Box 315, Helena MT 59624 Paid for by Montanans for Election Reform Action Fund Bruce Tutvedt, President YES ON 126 YES ON 126 Put the power of Montana elections back in the hands of Montana voters . YES ON 126 YES ON 126 YES ON 126 Better choices on the ballot Freedom to vote person , not party Hold politicians accountable YES ON 126 YES 126 YES ON 126 OPEN PRIMARIES FOR MONTANA YES ON 126 OPEN PRIMARIES PUT VOTERS FIRST YES ON 126 Doug Campbell , Treasurer P.D. Box 315 , Helena MT 59624 Paid for by Montanans for Election Reform Action Fund Bruce Tutvedt , President YES ON 126