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Corey Wheeldon: EXPERIENCE, LEADERSHIP, DEDICATION I'm a lifelong Montanan. Growing up in the Billings area, I enjoyed all the freedoms a Montanan childhood can offer. I was 8 years old when I marched in the living room and announced to my Dad that "I was going to be a Marine and then a Cop" . His response was "Ok buddy we'll see". A week after graduating from West High school I left home to become a United States Marine. During my military service I was selected for and served in the Marines Special Operations Command’s F.A.S.T. Co. (Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team). I was promoted rapidly attaining the rank of Sergeant in just 2 ½ years. In FAST Company., I performed as a Team leader, Squad leader and Platoon Sgt. In both rolls of leadership and management, I learned extremely valuable lessons. Some circumstances had little to no stress, while others were extremely stressful. My ability to remain calm gained the respect of those under my charge as well as recognition praise of those above me in my chain of command. I received several awards and letters of Commendation. This year, 2022, marks my 16th year as a Deputy Sheriff in Montana. My experiences have prepared me to take on the task of the Sheriff Of Sanders County. The role of law enforcement has changed -- we are called to be psychologists, social workers, problem solvers, and educators not just ticket writers. As your Sheriff I will work hard to promote and encourage a safer community, uphold the Constitution of the State of Montana and the Constitution of the United States of America I fully support the 2nd Amendment (Right to keep and bear arms) but I also support the right of Freedom of Speech, press, religion, assembly and petition, (1st amendment) as well as no unreasonable search or arrest, (4th amendment). I will reinforce the core beliefs of Protect and Serve - I will serve you, protect you and maintain justice at all times, honoring the rule of law while listening to you. I will always be accessible to you, committed to answering your questions, relieving your concerns and working with you to build upon a community based law enforcement office that will not forget who we serve. I look forward to building and engaging in community partnerships to sustain a safe and tranquil quality of life for all of Sanders County. To achieve these goals for the residents of Sanders County, I will also work to make changes within the department itself. Some of the areas I feel need to be addressed are: bringing up-to-date procedures and technology to this agency work to constantly improve the professional standards of the sheriff's office providing good coaching and mentoring fair employment and promotion practices It will be my honor and privilege to serve as Sheriff of Sanders County. I humbly ask for your vote. Corey Wheeldon

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