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  • Published Date

    August 21, 2019
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MISSION VALLEY POWER CONSUMER COUNCIL VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT The Superintendent of Flathead Agency is accepting letters of inter- est to serve on the Consumer Council for Mission Valley Power. The Consumer Council was created to provide power consumers with the opportunity to participate in the development of utility policy and to hear appeals and complaints brought by consumers. The Consumer Council was established under the authority of PL93-638, the Indian Self-Deter- mination and Education Assistance Act of 1975 There are four (4) vacancies to be filled. The vacancies will be appoint- ed as two (2) Member-At-Large representatives, one (1) Lake County representative, and one (1) Missoula County representative. The ap- pointment is a 3-year term beginning October 1, 2019 and ending on September 30, 2022. The present management contract requires that the Consumer Council be made up of six non-Tribal members and one Tribal member. The members meet the third Tuesday of each month. All appointees must reside within Mission Valley Power's service area and have an active account with Mission Valley Power. The BIA Flathead Agency Superintendent will make the appointment. The Flathead Agency Superintendent will accept letters of interest up to the close of business on Friday, August 30, 2019 Submit letters of interest to: Mr. Robert Compton, Superintendent Flathead Agency Bureau of Indian Affairs PO Box 40 Pablo, MT 59855 For more information, contact Mr. Robert Compton at (406) 675-2700 extension 1301 MISSION VALLEY POWER CONSUMER COUNCIL VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT The Superintendent of Flathead Agency is accepting letters of inter- est to serve on the Consumer Council for Mission Valley Power. The Consumer Council was created to provide power consumers with the opportunity to participate in the development of utility policy and to hear appeals and complaints brought by consumers. The Consumer Council was established under the authority of PL93-638, the Indian Self-Deter- mination and Education Assistance Act of 1975 There are four (4) vacancies to be filled. The vacancies will be appoint- ed as two (2) Member-At-Large representatives, one (1) Lake County representative, and one (1) Missoula County representative. The ap- pointment is a 3-year term beginning October 1, 2019 and ending on September 30, 2022. The present management contract requires that the Consumer Council be made up of six non-Tribal members and one Tribal member. The members meet the third Tuesday of each month. All appointees must reside within Mission Valley Power's service area and have an active account with Mission Valley Power. The BIA Flathead Agency Superintendent will make the appointment. The Flathead Agency Superintendent will accept letters of interest up to the close of business on Friday, August 30, 2019 Submit letters of interest to: Mr. Robert Compton, Superintendent Flathead Agency Bureau of Indian Affairs PO Box 40 Pablo, MT 59855 For more information, contact Mr. Robert Compton at (406) 675-2700 extension 1301