Welcome to Sanders County! HORSE PLAINS V- F W Post #3596 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS 201 W. Lynch St. 406-826-5960 2007 JACKPOT VFW 16 Machine Casino with Open Floor Plan Drink free while gambling (limited to beer & well drinks) 8 Lane EVERYONE WELCOME! VFW Bowling Alley Dinner every other Tuesday 5-6:30pm JOIN US $5 Dinner varies each week WELCOME VETERANS & GUESTS Call to bowl anytime: 406-607-5519 Show us your talent! Thursdays Open Mic Night 6:30-10pm Karaoke 7pm-Close Other important numbers: Club Manager: 406-607-5763 Commander: 406-607-9785 - Quartermaster: 406-607-9786 Follow us for events and updates: www.facebook.com/viwpost3596 Limited to 12 people Open Pool Tournaments Saturday 6pm Monday 12:00pm Saturday (Individual) - Monday (Teams) We accept credit cards! AMERICAN AMERICAN MasterCard VISA DISCOVER EXPRESS Welcome to Sanders County ! HORSE PLAINS V F W Post # 3596 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS 201 W. Lynch St. 406-826-5960 2007 JACKPOT VFW 16 Machine Casino with Open Floor Plan Drink free while gambling ( limited to beer & well drinks ) 8 Lane EVERYONE WELCOME ! VFW Bowling Alley Dinner every other Tuesday 5-6 : 30pm JOIN US $ 5 Dinner varies each week WELCOME VETERANS & GUESTS Call to bowl anytime : 406-607-5519 Show us your talent ! Thursdays Open Mic Night 6 : 30-10pm Karaoke 7 pm-Close Other important numbers : Club Manager : 406-607-5763 Commander : 406-607-9785 - Quartermaster : 406-607-9786 Follow us for events and updates : www.facebook.com/viwpost3596 Limited to 12 people Open Pool Tournaments Saturday 6pm Monday 12:00 pm Saturday ( Individual ) - Monday ( Teams ) We accept credit cards ! AMERICAN AMERICAN MasterCard VISA DISCOVER EXPRESS