AUDIT PUBLICATION STATEMENT The fiscal year 2019 audit of the Town of Plains has been conducted by Doyle & Associates, P.C. Certified Public Accountants. The audit covered the year ended June 30, 2019. Montana Code Annotated (MCA) Section 2-7-521 requires the publication of the following summary of Significant Audit Findings. This is only a summary and is not intended to be used as an audit report. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS The audit report for the Town of Plains, Sanders County, Montana, for the y ear ended June 30, 2019 contained the following independent auditor's reports: 1. The independent auditor's report on the Town's basic financial statements was unmodified. 2. The independent auditor's report on the Town's internal control over financial reporting and on compliance and other matters reported three findings with respect to compliance and internal control. PUBLIC INSPECTION OF AUDIT REPORT The audit report is on file in its entirely and open to public inspection at the Town's business office located at 101 West Lynch, Plains, MT 59859. The Town's management will send a copy of the audit report to any interested person upon request. AUDIT PUBLICATION STATEMENT The fiscal year 2019 audit of the Town of Plains has been conducted by Doyle & Associates, P.C. Certified Public Accountants. The audit covered the year ended June 30, 2019. Montana Code Annotated (MCA) Section 2-7-521 requires the publication of the following summary of Significant Audit Findings. This is only a summary and is not intended to be used as an audit report. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS The audit report for the Town of Plains, Sanders County, Montana, for the y ear ended June 30, 2019 contained the following independent auditor's reports: 1. The independent auditor's report on the Town's basic financial statements was unmodified. 2. The independent auditor's report on the Town's internal control over financial reporting and on compliance and other matters reported three findings with respect to compliance and internal control. PUBLIC INSPECTION OF AUDIT REPORT The audit report is on file in its entirely and open to public inspection at the Town's business office located at 101 West Lynch, Plains, MT 59859. The Town's management will send a copy of the audit report to any interested person upon request.