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Wood’s Meat Processing, located on the Ranch, was established in 1973 by Steve and Louise Wood as a part-time business while they continued to work on the family ranch with parents Jim and Virginia Wood and brother Leonard and his wife Naomi. In 1978 a new building was constructed under USDA Federal Meat Inspection Specifications to allow processing and wholesale marketing of USDA inspected products including natural beef raised from the Wood V-X Ranch. Wood's Meat Processing is a local USDA inspected meat plant. We offer the service of custom harvesting and cutting of your home grown beef, pigs and sheep, as well as, processing of your wild-game. We also have a retail area to purchase ranch raised beef, locally grown pork, elk, and buffalo. You can order steaks and roasts of all sizes, bundles, or order a beef or hog cut to your specific liking. Hope to see you all real soon!