INSECTS & DISEASE CAN DESTROY YOUR TIMBERLAND! WE'LL HELP PROTECT YOUR FOREST ASSET FROM ATTACK. Once a forest has been weakened by weather extremes, what follows can be even worse... an attack by insects and disease. If you own 10 or more acres of forestland, call us for a no-obligation site assessment. IDAHO FOREST GROU P CALL 406.830.0814 0R VISIT IFG.COM INSECTS & DISEASE CAN DESTROY YOUR TIMBERLAND! WE'LL HELP PROTECT YOUR FOREST ASSET FROM ATTACK. Once a forest has been weakened by weather extremes, what follows can be even worse... an attack by insects and disease. If you own 10 or more acres of forestland, call us for a no-obligation site assessment. IDAHO FOREST GROU P CALL 406.830.0814 0R VISIT IFG.COM