ST. REGIS RESORT DISTRICT Public Forum Meeting THE ST. REGIS RESORT BOARD IS REQUESTING YOUR ATTENDANCE AT A PUBLIC FORUM MEETING REGARDING THE ADDITION OF WALKING TRAILS AND A PARK. THE MEETING WILL BE FEBRUARY 10th AT 4:00 PM. THE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE ST. REGIS COMMUNITY CENTER. Please mark your calendar and make your voice heard as to what direction and projects you would like to see the Resort Board undertake. For more information please call 406-649-7206. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE. 362324 ST. REGIS RESORT DISTRICT Public Forum Meeting THE ST. REGIS RESORT BOARD IS REQUESTING YOUR ATTENDANCE AT A PUBLIC FORUM MEETING REGARDING THE ADDITION OF WALKING TRAILS AND A PARK. THE MEETING WILL BE FEBRUARY 10th AT 4:00 PM. THE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE ST. REGIS COMMUNITY CENTER. Please mark your calendar and make your voice heard as to what direction and projects you would like to see the Resort Board undertake. For more information please call 406-649-7206. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE. 362324