St. Regis Public Schools Surplus Disposal At a regular meeting of the St. Regis School Trustees in accordance with MCA 20-6-604 and St. Regis School policy #8400, a motion was passed to dispose of the following school property. ELA and Math textbooks with publication dates from 2003 to 2014. The full list can be viewed at the front office. Contact: 406-649-2311 St. Regis Public Schools Surplus Disposal At a regular meeting of the St. Regis School Trustees in accordance with MCA 20-6-604 and St. Regis School policy # 8400 , a motion was passed to dispose of the following school property . ELA and Math textbooks with publication dates from 2003 to 2014. The full list can be viewed at the front office . Contact : 406-649-2311