NOTICE The Mineral County Commissioners are seeking applicants to fill 1 vacancy on the Mineral County Tax Appeal Board. Also, the secretary position for the board needs filled as well. Anyone interested in these positions must fill out a Mineral County Board Application form to be considered for appointment. For further information or an application for these positions please contact Mineral County Commissioners or Darin Castor-Mineral County Commissioners Assistant at 406-822-3537. The county board application form is also available on the county's website under Departments-Commissioners-Forms and Documents. Board applications can be submitted to Mineral County Commissioners-300 River Street or PO Box 550 Superior, Montana 59872, no later than March 24, 2023. Published in the Mineral Independent March 15, 22, 2023 MNAXLP NOTICE The Mineral County Commissioners are seeking applicants to fill 1 vacancy on the Mineral County Tax Appeal Board . Also , the secretary position for the board needs filled as well . Anyone interested in these positions must fill out a Mineral County Board Application form to be considered for appointment . For further information or an application for these positions please contact Mineral County Commissioners or Darin Castor - Mineral County Commissioners Assistant at 406-822-3537 . The county board application form is also available on the county's website under Departments - Commissioners - Forms and Documents . Board applications can be submitted to Mineral County Commissioners - 300 River Street or PO Box 550 Superior , Montana 59872 , no later than March 24 , 2023 . Published in the Mineral Independent March 15 , 22 , 2023 MNAXLP