Notice is hereby given that regular registration for the Federal General Election to be held on November 5, 2024, will close at 5:00 p.m., on October 7, 2024. Persons who wish to register or need to update registration informa- tion may do so by submitting a form for registration by mail or by appearing at the county election office during regular registration. If you have moved, please update your registration information by submitting a voter registration form indicating the voter's current address. After regular registration has closed, late registration is currently available at the county election office up until 8 PM on election day. DATED this 13th day of September, 2024. Mineral County Election Administrator Kelann McLees Published in the Mineral Independent September 18, 25, & October 2,2024. MNAXLP 191105 Notice is hereby given that regular registration for the Federal General Election to be held on November 5 , 2024 , will close at 5:00 p.m. , on October 7 , 2024. Persons who wish to register or need to update registration informa- tion may do so by submitting a form for registration by mail or by appearing at the county election office during regular registration . If you have moved , please update your registration information by submitting a voter registration form indicating the voter's current address . After regular registration has closed , late registration is currently available at the county election office up until 8 PM on election day . DATED this 13th day of September , 2024 . Mineral County Election Administrator Kelann McLees Published in the Mineral Independent September 18 , 25 , & October 2,2024 . MNAXLP 191105