SUNDAY EVENINGS 6:00 pm Behold, I am doing a new thing" Isaiah 43:19 The CHOSEN SEASON ONE Superior Assembly of God 8 Episodes! Beginning 11.12.2023 'The Greatest Story Ever Told' is digging deeper into the backstories & context of the people and events of the Gospels! You will be introdued to Simon Peter, Nicodemus, Mary Magdalene, Matthew, Made with PRESENTS 'The CHOSEN' and Jesus in a way never before seen on film! 502 Second Avenue East | Superior Montana SUNDAY EVENINGS 6:00 pm Behold , I am doing a new thing " Isaiah 43:19 The CHOSEN SEASON ONE Superior Assembly of God 8 Episodes ! Beginning 11.12.2023 ' The Greatest Story Ever Told ' is digging deeper into the backstories & context of the people and events of the Gospels ! You will be introdued to Simon Peter , Nicodemus , Mary Magdalene , Matthew , Made with PRESENTS ' The CHOSEN ' and Jesus in a way never before seen on film ! 502 Second Avenue East | Superior Montana