NOTICE OF ELECTION, VOTING SYSTEM EXHIBITION, DIAGRAM OF BALLOT, VOTING INSTRUCTIONS, BALLOT PREPARATION & BALLOT COUNTING Notice is hereby given that on November 8, 2022 an election will be held in Sanders County for the 2022 Federal General Election. The polls will be open from 7:00am, and continue to be open until 8:00pm, on election day for the following locations: Precinct No. 1-Heron-HD13 Precinct No. 2-Noxon-HD13 Precinct No. 3-Trout Creek-HD13 Precinct No. 4-Thompson Falls-HD13 Precinct No. 5-Thompson Falls-HD13 Precinct No. 6-Plains-HD14 Precinct No. 7-Plains-HD14 Precinct No. 8-Hot Springs-HD14 Precinct No. 9-Dixon-HD14 All Polling places are accessible to voters with disabilities. Ballots were mailed on Friday, October 14, 2022, to active absentee electors who reside in Sanders County. If you do not receive your ballot, and you are an active absentee elector, contact the Election Office at 406-827-6949 or 406-827-6929. VOTING SYSTEM EXHIBITION A DS850 Digital Central Scan Paper Tabulator is on display in the Sanders County Courthouse, 1111 Main St W, and an ExpressVote is on display in the Sanders County Election Office, 1037 Main St W Suite 102, upon request the voting system will be demonstrated to any inquiring elector. The ES&S ExpressVote is a ballot-marking device that is available at the Sanders County Election Office and at each Polling Place listed above to assist voters with disabilities in marking their ballot privately and independently. Other arrangements for reasonable accommodations can be made by contacting the Election Office at 406-827-6949. A sample diagram of the ballot layout and instructions on voting the ballot is provided below. Sample County State of Montana FEDERAL AND STATE Election Date NONPARTISAN-STATE (Continued) (Continued) FOR UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE (VOTE FOR ONE) GEORGE WASHINGTON JOHN ADAMS INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS 1. TO VOTE, BLACKEN() THE OVAL COMPLETELY. An oval blackened completely to the left of the candidate or ballot issue choice indicates a vote for that candidate or a vote on the ballot issue. 2. To write in a name, blacken the oval to the left of the line provided, and write in the name (or affix a pre- printed label) in the blank space(s) for the write-in candidate(s) for whom you wish to vote. Heron Community Center, 6 Upper River Rd. Community Ambulance Service Bldg., 311 Noxon Ave. Trout Creek School, 4 School Lane Thompson Falls Community Center, 401 Golf St. Thompson Falls Community Center, 401 Golf St. Plains Paradise Senior Center, 205 W Meany St. Plains Paradise Senior Center, 205 W Meany St. Hot Springs Senior Center 101 Main St. Dixon Senior Center, 35 3rd St. 3. DO NOT CROSS OUT. if you make a mistake or change your mind, exchange your ballot for a new one. VOTE IN ALL COLUMNS [VOTE BOTH SIDES] 000 00 00 00 FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER (VOTE FOR TWO) ANDREW JACKSON MARTIN VAN BUREN WILLIAM H HARRISON JOHN TYLER 000 FOR DISTRICT COURT JUDGE DISTRICT 1, DEPT. 4 (VOTE FOR ONE) JAMES BUCHANAN ABRAHAM LINCOLN Published in the Valley Press on November 2, 2022. 172. PREPARATION, RECONCILIATION AND COUNTING OF BALLOTS Early preparation and reconciliation of ballots will be held November 7, 2022, at 9:30 AM, in the Sanders County Commissioner's Conference Room, 111 W Main St, Thompson Falls, MT. Ballots will be counted, using the DS850 Counting Tabulator, in the Sanders County Courthouse Justice Courtroom on November 8, 2022 (Election Day) beginning at approximately 6:00 PM. No results will be released until after the election closes at 8:00 PM. The public is welcome to observe. Montana law requires that any person participating or observing the procedures of the count is required to take an oath that they will not discuss the results of the early counting of votes at any time prior to the closing of the polls on Election Day. A person who knowingly violates this law shall be imprisoned for a term not to exceed two years and/or be fined an amount not less than $100,000 and not more than $500,000. Dated this 31st day of October, 2022. McKenna Wallace, Sanders County Election Administrator NOTICE OF ELECTION , VOTING SYSTEM EXHIBITION , DIAGRAM OF BALLOT , VOTING INSTRUCTIONS , BALLOT PREPARATION & BALLOT COUNTING Notice is hereby given that on November 8 , 2022 an election will be held in Sanders County for the 2022 Federal General Election . The polls will be open from 7:00 am , and continue to be open until 8:00 pm , on election day for the following locations : Precinct No. 1 - Heron - HD13 Precinct No. 2 - Noxon - HD13 Precinct No. 3 - Trout Creek - HD13 Precinct No. 4 - Thompson Falls - HD13 Precinct No. 5 - Thompson Falls - HD13 Precinct No. 6 - Plains - HD14 Precinct No. 7 - Plains - HD14 Precinct No. 8 - Hot Springs - HD14 Precinct No. 9 - Dixon - HD14 All Polling places are accessible to voters with disabilities . Ballots were mailed on Friday , October 14 , 2022 , to active absentee electors who reside in Sanders County . If you do not receive your ballot , and you are an active absentee elector , contact the Election Office at 406-827-6949 or 406-827-6929 . VOTING SYSTEM EXHIBITION A DS850 Digital Central Scan Paper Tabulator is on display in the Sanders County Courthouse , 1111 Main St W , and an ExpressVote is on display in the Sanders County Election Office , 1037 Main St W Suite 102 , upon request the voting system will be demonstrated to any inquiring elector . The ES & S ExpressVote is a ballot - marking device that is available at the Sanders County Election Office and at each Polling Place listed above to assist voters with disabilities in marking their ballot privately and independently . Other arrangements for reasonable accommodations can be made by contacting the Election Office at 406-827-6949 . A sample diagram of the ballot layout and instructions on voting the ballot is provided below . Sample County State of Montana FEDERAL AND STATE Election Date NONPARTISAN - STATE ( Continued ) ( Continued ) FOR UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE ( VOTE FOR ONE ) GEORGE WASHINGTON JOHN ADAMS INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS 1. TO VOTE , BLACKEN ( ) THE OVAL COMPLETELY . An oval blackened completely to the left of the candidate or ballot issue choice indicates a vote for that candidate or a vote on the ballot issue . 2. To write in a name , blacken the oval to the left of the line provided , and write in the name ( or affix a pre printed label ) in the blank space ( s ) for the write - in candidate ( s ) for whom you wish to vote . Heron Community Center , 6 Upper River Rd . Community Ambulance Service Bldg . , 311 Noxon Ave. Trout Creek School , 4 School Lane Thompson Falls Community Center , 401 Golf St. Thompson Falls Community Center , 401 Golf St. Plains Paradise Senior Center , 205 W Meany St. Plains Paradise Senior Center , 205 W Meany St. Hot Springs Senior Center 101 Main St. Dixon Senior Center , 35 3rd St. 3. DO NOT CROSS OUT . if you make a mistake or change your mind , exchange your ballot for a new one . VOTE IN ALL COLUMNS [ VOTE BOTH SIDES ] 000 00 00 00 FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ( VOTE FOR TWO ) ANDREW JACKSON MARTIN VAN BUREN WILLIAM H HARRISON JOHN TYLER 000 FOR DISTRICT COURT JUDGE DISTRICT 1 , DEPT . 4 ( VOTE FOR ONE ) JAMES BUCHANAN ABRAHAM LINCOLN Published in the Valley Press on November 2 , 2022 . 172 . PREPARATION , RECONCILIATION AND COUNTING OF BALLOTS Early preparation and reconciliation of ballots will be held November 7 , 2022 , at 9:30 AM , in the Sanders County Commissioner's Conference Room , 111 W Main St , Thompson Falls , MT . Ballots will be counted , using the DS850 Counting Tabulator , in the Sanders County Courthouse Justice Courtroom on November 8 , 2022 ( Election Day ) beginning at approximately 6:00 PM . No results will be released until after the election closes at 8:00 PM . The public is welcome to observe . Montana law requires that any person participating or observing the procedures of the count is required to take an oath that they will not discuss the results of the early counting of votes at any time prior to the closing of the polls on Election Day . A person who knowingly violates this law shall be imprisoned for a term not to exceed two years and / or be fined an amount not less than $ 100,000 and not more than $ 500,000 . Dated this 31st day of October , 2022 . McKenna Wallace , Sanders County Election Administrator