I 90 Bridges 90 CONSTRUCTION AHEAD The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and Frontier West are rehabilitating the eastbound bridge that carries Interstate 90 (1 90) over the Clark Fork River 5 miles east of Alberton. This rehabilitation work includes replacing the bridge deck (driving surface), adding new barrier and guardrail, replacing expansion joints, improving drainage, and several other improvements. 90 EAST OF ALBERTON PROJECT AREA (Eastbound Lanes Only) ALBERTON EXIT 75 EXIT 77 190 Frontage Rd Aprill 2023 INTERSTATE 90 The eastbound bridge will be closed, and traffic will be diverted to the westbound lanes via crossovers. - Traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction. - Stay alert. Better roads ahead! East and westbound traffic will travel on the same side of the interstate for approximately 2 miles. Speed limits will be reduced. - Width and length restrictions will be in place (visit 511mt.net for the most up-to-date information). CLARK FORK RIVER SLOW FOR THE GIVE WORKERS A BRAKE. The river will remain open, but signage may direct boat and raft traffic to one side of the river at certain times. Superior/Idaho WHAT TO EXPECT DURING CONSTRUCTION Construction is expected to begin in spring 2023 and be completed in the fall. Clark Fork River EXIT 82 I 90 EASTBOUND Clark Fork River 5 Miles East of Alberton HUSON EXIT 85 EXIT 89 FRENCHTOWN ZONE. Map not to scale VISION ZERO Missoula FOR MORE INFO VISIT: mdt.mt.gov/pubinvolve/ i90eastalberton/ For EMAIL UPDATES: text ALB90 to 22828 For TEXT/SMS UPDATES: text ALB90 to 866-434-0866 (toll-free)* CALL: 406-465-3350 EMAIL: Brandon@rbci.net *Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies. For more information read the Simple Texting Privacy Policy by visiting: https:// simpletexting.com/privacy-policy/ Alternative accessible formats of this document will be provided on request. Persons who need an alternative format should contact the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Transportation, 2701 Prospect Avenue, PO Box 201001, Helena, MT 59620. Telephone 406-444-5416 or Montana Relay Service at 711. I 90 Bridges 90 CONSTRUCTION AHEAD The Montana Department of Transportation ( MDT ) and Frontier West are rehabilitating the eastbound bridge that carries Interstate 90 ( 1 90 ) over the Clark Fork River 5 miles east of Alberton . This rehabilitation work includes replacing the bridge deck ( driving surface ) , adding new barrier and guardrail , replacing expansion joints , improving drainage , and several other improvements . 90 EAST OF ALBERTON PROJECT AREA ( Eastbound Lanes Only ) ALBERTON EXIT 75 EXIT 77 190 Frontage Rd Aprill 2023 INTERSTATE 90 The eastbound bridge will be closed , and traffic will be diverted to the westbound lanes via crossovers . - Traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction . - Stay alert . Better roads ahead ! East and westbound traffic will travel on the same side of the interstate for approximately 2 miles . Speed limits will be reduced . - Width and length restrictions will be in place ( visit 511mt.net for the most up - to - date information ) . CLARK FORK RIVER SLOW FOR THE GIVE WORKERS A BRAKE . The river will remain open , but signage may direct boat and raft traffic to one side of the river at certain times . Superior / Idaho WHAT TO EXPECT DURING CONSTRUCTION Construction is expected to begin in spring 2023 and be completed in the fall . Clark Fork River EXIT 82 I 90 EASTBOUND Clark Fork River 5 Miles East of Alberton HUSON EXIT 85 EXIT 89 FRENCHTOWN ZONE . Map not to scale VISION ZERO Missoula FOR MORE INFO VISIT : mdt.mt.gov/pubinvolve/ i90eastalberton / For EMAIL UPDATES : text ALB90 to 22828 For TEXT / SMS UPDATES : text ALB90 to 866-434-0866 ( toll - free ) * CALL : 406-465-3350 EMAIL : Brandon@rbci.net * Texting alerts are not managed by MDT and may have different privacy and security policies . For more information read the Simple Texting Privacy Policy by visiting : https : // simpletexting.com/privacy-policy/ Alternative accessible formats of this document will be provided on request . Persons who need an alternative format should contact the Office of Civil Rights , Department of Transportation , 2701 Prospect Avenue , PO Box 201001 , Helena , MT 59620 . Telephone 406-444-5416 or Montana Relay Service at 711 .