-2022- CUSTOMER APPRECIATION & CONSERVATION ANNUAL MEETING ! MISSIONVALLEYPOWER APRIL 27, 2022 2pm - 5pm @MVP's Truck Garage Behind the Pablo Office AGENDA No formal meeting will be held this year, but we will have a drive through event where you may pick-up goodie bags and information! FOLLOW THE SIGNS to get your MVP Goodie Bags! You must have a mask on when entering and going through the pick-up line. We will also have a drawing signup on our website at www.missionvalleypower.org ON APRIL 27TH ONLY You can sign up once that day with your Name and MVP Account Number for the Grand Prize and Other Items! DRAWINGS WILL BE HELD ON APRIL 28TH! MVP will go Live on Facebook for the drawings. Check our page for updates on the Starting time! Bo -2022 CUSTOMER APPRECIATION & CONSERVATION ANNUAL MEETING ! MISSIONVALLEYPOWER APRIL 27 , 2022 2pm - 5pm @ MVP's Truck Garage Behind the Pablo Office AGENDA No formal meeting will be held this year , but we will have a drive through event where you may pick - up goodie bags and information ! FOLLOW THE SIGNS to get your MVP Goodie Bags ! You must have a mask on when entering and going through the pick - up line . We will also have a drawing signup on our website at www.missionvalleypower.org ON APRIL 27TH ONLY You can sign up once that day with your Name and MVP Account Number for the Grand Prize and Other Items ! DRAWINGS WILL BE HELD ON APRIL 28TH ! MVP will go Live on Facebook for the drawings . Check our page for updates on the Starting time ! Bo